Architecture workshop in Bolzano Italy 08.-12.01.2013


Architecture workshop in Bolzano Italy
The workshop focuses on the plot of an area right behind the old town of Bolzano, which includes some residential buildings, the primary school “Goethe”, the kindergartens “Girasole” and “Kofler”, the  youth center “Vintola”, as well as the municipal registry offices.
The municipal and the province authorities have planned to situate here the middle school “von Aufschneiter”, too. Their proposal as drafted foresees getting of the only playground existing in the northern part of the old town of Bolzano.

The workshop is an initiative of 9sqm*, a collective of families living in the neighborhood. They want to express their resistance but they also  claim their participation as citizens in the transformation of their city. Especially, as this project (a) aims at the transformation of public space and (b) wants to offer alternative solutions to those elaborated by the public administration.

*9sqm = 9 square meters are the minimum endowment of (equipped) green area per inhabitant according to the Ministerial Decree 1444/1968. According to the urban legislation of Alto Adige this value is only indicative.


The workshop kicks off with Marjan's keynote lecture on 08.01.2013 and ends with a panel discussion at the Museion Passage (Museum of Modern Art Bozen).

vicolo parrocchia 3 | 39100 bolzano
pfarrgasse 3 | 3100 bozen

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