

Authored and Edited Books

  • 2009-... Colletti, Marjan; Cruz, Marcos: Convoluted Tectonics, AADCU Beijing China (352 pages). In progress.
  • 2009 Manolopoulou, Yeoryia; Colletti Marjan; Cruz Marcos (editors): PhD Research Projects 2009, Proceedings Catalogue, UCL, 2009.
  • 2008-10 Colletti, Marjan: commissioned guest-editor of Exuberance: New Digital Virtuosity in Contemporary Digital Architecture, AD Architectural Design, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester UK.
  • 2006 Colletti, Marjan: 2&½D Twoandahalf Dimensionality / Zweieinhalbdimensionalität, Bucher Hohenems (ISBN 978-3-902525-482). Texts by Marjan Colletti, Hannes Stiefel, Peter Cook (24 prints).
  • 2005 Colletti, Marjan; Cruz, Marcos: marcosandmarjan Interfaces / Intrafaces monograph (editor: iCP) in the seriesCon2equence Book Series on Fresh Architecture, SpringerWienNewYork (ISBN 3-211-25232-0). Texts by Peter Cook, Marjan Colletti, Marcos Cruz, Wolfgang Fiel (128 pages).
Articles and Projects in National and International Magazines and Books
  • 2008-10 Colletti, Marjan: 'OrnaMental Pornamentation: The Exuberant Body of Ornamentation', article in Exuberance: New Digital Virtuosity in Contemporary Digital Architecture, AD Architectural Design, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester UK, to be published March '10.
  • 2008-10 Colletti, Marjan: 'DigitAlia: The Other Digital Practice', article in Exuberance: New Digital Virtuosity in Contemporary Digital Architecture, AD Architectural Design, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester UK, to be published March '10.
  • 2008-10 Colletti, Marjan: 'Introduction: Exuberance and Digital Virtuosity', article in Exuberance: New Digital Virtuosity in Contemporary Digital Architecture, AD Architectural Design, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester UK, to be published March '10.
  • 2009 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'Towards an Inside-out Urbanism - Cairo: The Whirling Hub' in Magaz Magazine, Cairo Egypt.
  • 2009 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'Interview' in Digital Architecture: Passages Through Hinterlands.
  • 2009 Colletti, Marjan. 'The Gestalt of a PhD', in PhD Research Projects 2009, Manolopoulou, Yeoryia; Colletti Marjan; Cruz Marcos (editors), proceedings Catalogue, UCL, 2009.
  • 2009 Colletti, Marjan. ‘CyberBaroque' in Nordic Talking. 4 1/2 Years in Studio with Kjetil Thorsen, Springer WienNewYork, 2009.
  • 2009 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'marcosandmarjan' in the Journal Architectural Dimensions >> – Journal of Design & Theory, No. 7, Taiwan.
  • 2008 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'marcosandmarjan' in Digital Architecture Now> A Global Survey of Emerging Talent (ed. Neil Spiller), Thames & Hudson, 2008, pp. 218-27.
  • 2008 Colletti, Marjan. ‘CyberBaroque and other DigiTales’ in OS1: LSBU Lecture Series 2007/08, London South Bank University UK.
  • 2008 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘Unit 20’ in the Catalogue of the Bartlett Summer Show 2008, UCL, London UK.
  • 2008 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘DS1 10’ in the Open 2008 Catalogue of Westminster University, UCL, London UK.
  • 2008 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘Convoluted Flesh’, in Proto Architecture, AD Architectural Design, guest-ed. by Bob Sheil, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester UK.
  • 2007 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘Unit 20’ in the Catalogue of the Bartlett Summer Show 2007, UCL, London UK.
  • 2007 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘DS1 10’ in the Open 2007 Catalogue of Westminster University, UCL, London UK.
  • 2007 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘Xiyuan Entertainment Complex’, in Complessità e Sostenibilità. Il Territorio e l’Architettura #1, March/April 2007, Milan: Gangemi Editore, pp. 7-8.
  • 2006 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘Orient-ations. On the example of the Xiyuan Entertainment Complex‘. In Dialogue: Cross-cultural Exchanges in Architecture, A+T Architecture + Time. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, September 2006, pp. 48-53.
  • 2006 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘Unit 20’ in the Catalogue of the Bartlett Summer Show 2006, UCL, London UK.
  • 2006 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'E-vernadero. E-greenhouse (El Coral)' in the book META.morfosis: el museo y el arte en la era digital (ed. António Cerveira-Pinto), MEIAC, Badajoz Spain, pp. 136-40.
  • 2006 Colletti, Marjan: ’The Digital Inclusive Studio’ trigger paper at the Studio Culture III – The Inclusive Studio conference, The Royal College of Art London UK (22.11.05-23.11.05).
  • 2005 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘Feira Internacional dos Açores’ in the magazine Ilhas #17/18 Especial Arquitectura, Azores Islands Portugal (FIA) pp. 20-1, 29.
  • 2005 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'Conversas em torno de um Lagarto Vermelho' (interview by Pedro Barreto) in the magazine arq./a #32 (July-August) Portugal (FLL and student work) pp. 70-3.
  • 2005 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'marcosandmarjan' in the book Demonstrating Digital Architecture, 5th FEIDAD Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design Award, Birkhäuser (Xiyuan, Nurbster I, II, Splinewall) pp. 100-6.
  • 2005 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘Unit 20’ in the Catalogue of the Bartlett Summer Show 2005, UCL, London UK.
  • 2005 Colletti, Marjan. ‘East of Yiheyuan – Marjan Colletti’ in the catalogue East of Eros Architecture Annual 2005, Royal College of Art, London UK (Xiyuan) pp. 82-3.
  • 2005 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'Novo Museu de Tomihiro' in the magazine arq./a #30 (March-April) Portugal (NTM) pp. 62-5.
  • 2004 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'marcosandmarjan' in the book Bartlett Works (eds. Laura Allen; Iain Borden; Peter Cook; Rachel Stevenson), August Projects Ltd / UCL, London UK (NEB) pp. 110-2.
  • 2004 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘Unit 20’ in the Czech version of the Catalogue of the Bartlett Summer Show 2004.
  • 2004 'marcosandmarjan architects' in the book Metaflux, catalogue of the Portuguese Official Representation at the 9th Architecture Biennial Venice (ed. Pedro Gadanho; Luis Pereira), Civilização Editora/Instituto das Artes, Portugal (several projects) pp.123-31, 211-2.
  • 2004 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'marcosandmarjan architects' in the catalogue Influx - Recent Portuguese architecture, Revised Edition (ed. Pedro Gadanho; Luis Pereira), Civilização Editora, Porto Portugal (several projects) pp. 122-9.
  • 2004 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'Estética do fofinho e da repugnância' in the student magazine Revista NU, Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 28-33.
  • 2004 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. Texts in the research publication Transcripts of an Architectural Journey. Musings on an outset for a new genre of [space] architecture (ed. Barbara Imhof, Hannes Stiefel) Vienna Austria.
  • 2003 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘marcosandmarjan architects – New Godet Club Istanbul Turkey‘ in the catalogue Metrópole - 5a Bienal International de Arquitetura e Design de São Paulo, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo/IAB, San Paolo Brazil (NGC) p. 285.
  • 2003 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. ‘marcosandmarjan architects’ in the magazine do 2/4 (enter here) summer 2003, The Gulbenkian Foundation London Magazine, London UK (several projects) pp.1, 3-6.
  • 2003 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'marcosandmarjan architects' in the catalogue Influx - Recent Portuguese Architecture (ed. Pedro Gadanho; Luis Pereira), Civilização Editora, Porto Portugal (several projects) pp. 122-9.
  • 2003 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'marcosandmarjan: work and teaching, NTM, NEB, NGC' in the magazine Mesh: Cutting the Edge of Digital Architecture (ed. Lauren Taylor) Meshmedia, London UK (interview transcript, several projects, and students work) pp. 35-59.
  • 2003 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'NTM - The Bagpipe' in the magazine Egg Magazine #03 (May) Taiwan (NTM) pp. 158-65.
  • 2002 Colletti, Marjan; and Marcos Cruz. 'the king + the robe' in the book Realms of Impossibility: Ground (ed. cj Lim), John Wiley and Co, London UK (NEB) pp. 118-23.
  • 2001 Colletti, Marjan. ‘Medusa’ and ‘Besking’ in the book Bartlett Book of Ideas (ed. Peter Cook) UCL, London UK, pp. 6, 90-1.
  • 2001 Colletti, Marjan. ‘Blursking: (blured+skin)+(living+king)’ article and project in the magazine Turrisbabel #54, Bolzano Italy, pp. 32-3.
  • 1997 Colletti, Marjan. ‘Meetings’ publications of winning competition entries, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy.
  • 1996 Colletti, Marjan. ‘Phoenix from the Ashes’ in the catalogue Sarajevo 2000plus (eds. E.Antalovsky, P.Mörtenböck, C.Weiermair) Architekturzentrum Wien, Vienna Austria.
  • 1995 Colletti, Marjan; and Überbacher, Patrick.’The Last House’ in the catalogue Das Letzte Haus, Verlag Gerd Hatje, Ostfildern und Haus der Architektur, Graz Austria.
Reviews in National and International Magazines, Newspapers and Journals
  • 2009 McGuirk, Justin. 'Icon Minds: The Return of Ornament. Jencks/Moussavi/Colletti', in Icon Magazine #078 / December 2009, UK, pp. 67-71 et al.
  • 2009 Shu, Simon. ‘Forum on Education and Practice of Digital Architecture’, in Architectural Dimensions - A Bulletin of Design & Theory, No. 7, Taiwan.
  • 2009 Colletti, Marjan. Mention, images and project descriptions in Bartlett Designs. Speculating with Architecture, Laura Allen, Iain Borden, Nadia O'Hare and Neil Spiller (editors), pp. 11, 39, 53-4, 70-1, 136, 151, 175, 219, 227, 231.
  • 2008 Cook, Peter: short review and image in Drawing: the motive force of architecture, AD primers, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp 97-00, 195 and cover.
  • 2007 Cook, Peter: ‘In alpine Innsbruck, Peter Cook detects the mythological hand of Bloomsbury academe’. In The Architectural Review, August 2007.
  • 2007 Albuquerque, Joao: ‘Da Forma ao Componente na Era Digital_NURBSTERS’. In Arquitectura e Vida #84, Lisbon Portugal, July 2007.
  • 2006 Shu, Simon, 'Touching Design Issues', in Re-imaging Architectural Design Studios, Archidata Taiwan, pp. 154-71.
  • 2006 Chen, Shang-Yuan; Cheng, Ming-jen: ‘Building an Adaptive Evaluation System: A Design Education Application’, in Computer-Aided Design & Applications (Vol. 3, Nos. 1-4, 2006) pp 49-58.
  • 2006 Borges, Antonio: 'marcosandmarjan - L'Atalante Feira Internacional dos Açores + Portfolio' in the magazine Ilhas #17/18 (January) Portugal (FIA) pp. 18-9, 27.
  • 2006 Kopernická, Andrea: ‘The Bartlett School of Architecture – the most progressive expression of today’s architecture‘ review in British Council Slovakia News, autumn 2005 Slovakia (student work, Bartsters) pp. 1-4.
  • 2005 ‘Fresh Architecture in Medium Gallery’ article in the newspaper The Slovak Spectator (24-30.10.05) (Bartsters) p. 16.
  • 2005 Kopernická, Andrea: ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition’ article in the newspaper SME (09. and 19.10.05) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2005 Broniatowska, Magda: ‘The Bartlett School of Architecture’ in the magazine A&B Architektura & Biznes #12, Poland (Bartsters, student work) p.22.
  • 2005 Barreto, Pedro: 'Soft Tissue, Hard Work, Fusion Tactics: Em torno da Arquitectura de marcosandmarjan' review in the magazine JA Jornal dos Arquitectos #222, Portugal (several projects) p. 43.
  • 2005 Albuquerque, João: 'Um Molusco Habitável: Projecto para a Nova Feira Internacional dos Açores'review in the magazine JA Jornal dos Arquitectos #222, Portugal (several projects) pp. 40-1.
  • 2005 Burnay, Diogo: 'Pavilhão da Feira do Livro de Lisboa 2005' review in the magazine JA Jornal dos Arquitectos #220/221 (July-December) Portugal (FLL) pp. 92-5.
  • 2005 Giencke, Volker: ‘Studio 3/Innsbruck’ in the magazine Buch XVIII, ST/A/R #07, Vienna Austria (Wolke) pp. 137, 9.
  • 2005 Vaz Milheiro, Ana: 'Portugal 2000-2005 um guia temporário' in the magazine 2G Dossier 05. Portugal 2000-2005 25 edificios do século XXI, Spain (FLL) p. 9.
  • 2005 Arnaboldi, Mario Antonio: 'Agora / Dream and Vision - marcosandmarjan' review and projects in the magazine L'ARCA #206 (September) Italy (several projects) pp. 46-55.
  • 2005 Fabris, Luca Maria Francesco: ‘Il Rosso e Il Verde‘ review in the magazine Costruire #267 (September) Italy (FLL) pp. 60-3 and cover: ‘Colletti e Cruz a Lisbona - Effimero ma non troppo‘.
  • 2005 Costa, Pedro Machado: ‘L’Atalante – em busca de uma idea de arquitectura para os Açores (marcosandmarjan)‘ in the magazine Arq./a revista de arquitectura e arte #33 (September-October) Portugal (FIA) p. 68.
  • 2005 Barreto, Pedro: ‘Conversas em torno de um Lagarto Vermelho‘ interview transcript in the magazine arq./a revista de Arquitectura e arte #32 (July-August) Portugal (FLL) p. 70-3.
  • 2005 Costa, Pedro Machado: ‘L’Atalante – em busca de uma idea de Arquitectura para os Açores‘ in the supplement SARL #6, Suplemento de Artes e Letras of the magazine Jornal dos Açores (01.07.05) Portugal (FIA) p. IV.
  • 2005 Menezes, João Paulo: ‘Um arquitecto português com obra em Pequim‘ article in the newspaper Ponto Final #817 (June) Macau (several projects) pp. 10-1.
  • 2005 Salema, Isabel: ‘Dois jovens arquitectos contra a geometria simétrica do Parque Eduardo VII‘ article in the newspaper Jornal Público (25.05.05) Portugal (FLL) p. 39.
  • 2005 Shui Liu: 'Space and Emotion (second part)' article in the magazine Interior Design + Construction #129 (May) PRChina (several projects) pp. 102-4.
  • 2005 Shui Liu: 'Space and Emotion (first part)' article in the magazine Interior Design + Construction #128 (May) PRChina (several projects, students projects) pp. 102-4.
  • 2005 Shu, Simon: ‘Avant-garde Architecture Exhibition from British Archigram School‘ in the leaflet FCU News #1 (June) Taiwan (Splinewall) p. 6.
  • 2005 Shu, Simon: 'marcosandmarjan' article in the magazine Taiwan Architecture #122 (November) Taiwan (Splinewall) pp. 64-7, 80-3.
  • 2005 Huei-Ling, Chen: ‘Splinewall created by students from the dept. of architecture of Feng Chia University out of the workshop guided by two design lecturers from University College London‘ article in the newspaper Central Daily News - Taichung City Events Section (12.03.05) Taiwan (Splinewall) p. 7.
  • 2005 Chih-Yun, Ye: ‘Inhabitable Wall, A Notching between the tradition and modern, created by students from the dept. of architecture of Feng Chia University out of the workshop guided by two design lecturers from University College London‘ in the newspaper Chian der Times - Taichung City Events Section (12.03.05) Taiwan (Splinewall) p. C2.
  • 2005 Wen-Wen, Yuh: ‘Digital Architecture combined with Chinese Architecture Notching Technique, A Splinewall created by students from the dept. of architecture of Feng Chia University out of the workshop guided by two design lecturers from University College London’ in the newspaper United Daily News - Taichung City Events Section (12.03.05) Taiwan (Splinewall) p. C2.
  • 2004 ‘Where is Young British Architecture Heading after Foster? New Projects from the Bartlett School of Architecture’ article in Architekt, Czech Republic (Bartsters).
  • 2004 ‘Quo vadis, avantgardo?? Mladá brtiská architektura‘ article in the newspaper Hospodářské Noviny and online at, Czech Republic (Bartsters).
  • 2004 Juránková, Simona: ‘Bartlett School: Young British Architecture‘ article in the magazine Architecture Czech Republic (Bartsters).
  • 2003 Veglia, Andrea: ‘Floating Vessel – NGC New Godet Club, Istanbul‘ article in the magazine Label - the Italian Style Magazine [the window issue] #12 (winter03/04) Italy (ed. Federico Confalonieri) (NGC) pp. 168-9.
  • 2003 Giaconia, Paola: 'marcosandmarjan and Unit 20' in the catalogue Intimacy, Spot on Schools: Beyond Media/Oltre I Media Festival, Florence Italy (NGC) pp. 10-2, 15.
Citations/Images in National and International Magazines, Newspapers and Journals
  • 2009 Citation and image in Prinz Eisenbeton, Die Angewandte, Vienna.
  • 2009 marcosandmarjan featured in Cruz, Marcos. ‘The Inhabitable Flesh of Architecture’, in SA - Singapore Architect, #249 March 09, Singapore, pp. 82-91.
  • 2009 marcosandmarjan featured in Cruz, Valdemar. ‘Marcos Cruz - A ideia de Pele Habitável é Essencial na Arquitectura’, in Arquitectura & Construção #54 Abril/Maio 09, Portugal, pp. 8-11.
  • 2009 marcosandmarjan featured in Prado Coelho, Alexandra. ‘Vamos poder vestir os nossos edifícios?’, in Jornal Público / P2, Domingo 11 Janeiro 09, Portugal, pp. 10-11.
  • 2008 Several articles on the workshop project Taichung EXPO 2015 in local and national newspapers and television programmes, Taiwan.
  • 2006 ‘Futuristické vízie architektov nájdete v Múzeu Vojtecha Löfflera’ article in Korzár (30.1.06) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2006 ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition’ general note in Staromestské listy (No.1) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2006 ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition’ general note in the newspaper Új Szó (26.01.06) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2005 ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition’ general note in the Slovak Spectator (24.10.05) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2005 ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition’ general note in the newspaper SME (21.10.05) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2005 ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition‘ general note in the newspaper Új Szó (18.10.05) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2005 Liptáková, Jana: ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition’ general article by in the Slovak Spectator (17.10.05) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2005 ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition’ general note in the newspaper SME (06.10.05 and 07.10.05) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2005 ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition’ general note in the newspaper TASR (04.10.05 and 05.10.05) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2005 Somolányi, Ľubomír: ‘Bartlett School of Architecture exhibition’ general note by in the newspaper Šport (04.10.05) Slovakia (Bartsters).
  • 2005 Young, Eleanor: ‘Cook’s new receipt‘ mention and image in the magazine RIBA Journal 113/6 June, London England (Xiyuan) p. 10.
  • 2005 Sampaio, Gustavo: ‘As páginas tantas‘ press release in the newspaper Independente #889 (25.05.05) Portugal (FLL) p. 31.
  • 2005 Vitória, Ana: ‘Encarar dificuldades com rost rejuvenescido‘ press release in the newspaper Jornal de Notícias (25.05.05) Portugal (FLL) p. 41.
  • 2005 Lucas, Isabel: ‘A feira de todas as celebrações‘ press release in the newspaper Diário de Notícias (25.05.05) Portugal (FLL) pp. 38, 48.
  • 2005 Avó, César: ‘As feiras como sempre‘ press release in the newspaper Expresso im Actual supplement (21.05.05) Portugal (FLL) p. 11.
  • 2005 CML: ‘Renovar a Estante - Feira do Livro‘ press release in Agenda LX Maio, Portugal (FLL) p. 91.
  • 2004 Fernandes, José Manuel: ‘Fluxos arquitectónicos’ mention in the newspaper Expresso (18.12.04) Portugal (Metaflux) pp. 42-3.
  • 2004 Catarino, Jo: ‘Arquitectura na Cordoaria‘ mention in the newspaper Independente (17.12.04) Portugal (Metaflux).
  • 2004 Salema, Isabel: ‘Arquitectura portuguesa mostrada em Veneza está agora esposta em Lisboa‘ mention in the newspaper Público (11.12.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 45.
  • 2004 Lobo, Paula: ‘Modos de fazer e pensar a arquitectura‘ mention in the newspaper Diario de Notícias (10.12.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 34.
  • 2004 ‘De Veneza para Lisboa‘ mention in the newspaper Diário Económico (10.12.04) Portgal (Metaflux) p. 9.
  • 2004 ‘“Metaflux“ em Lisboa na próxima semana‘ mention in the newspaper Jornal de Notícias (08.12.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 43.
  • 2004 Cook, Peter; Hawley, Christine: ‘Architectural Education – the Information and the Argument‘ in the magazine AD Back to School: Arquitectural Education – the Information and the Argument, guest ed. Michael Chadwick #5 Vol. 74 (September-October) England, Wiley-Academy (students projects pp. 7-8; Marjan Colletti p. 8; marcosandmarjan p. 133).
  • 2004 Lukeš Zdeněk: ‘Respekt‘ article (Bartsters) Czech Republic.
  • 2004 2004 Baptista, Ana: ‘Projectar em Pequim‘ mention in the magazine Construir (22.10.04) Portugal (Xiyuan) p. 27.
  • 2004 Baptista, Ana: ‘“Metamorfoses“ em Veneza‘ mention in the magazine Construir (24.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) pp. 10-1.
  • 2004 Figueira, Jorge: ‘Bienal de Veneza, O alargamento europeu‘ mention in the newspaper Jornal Público in Mil Folhas (18.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) pp. 12-3.
  • 2004 Vaz Milheiro, Ana; Salema, Isabel: ‘20 Arquitectos portugueses na Bienal de Veneza’ mention in the newspaper Jornal Público (07.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) pp. 1-3.
  • 2004 ‘9.ª Edição da Bienal de Arquitectura de Veneza‘ mention and image in the newspaper Jornal de Letras Suplemento IC (01.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux, Bai Jia Zhang).
  • 2004 Foster, Kurt: mention and image in the catalogue of the 9th Venice Biennale Venedig 2004 Metamorph – 9th International Architecture Exhibition, Vectors (NTM) p. 95.
  • 2004 ‘Arquitectos porugueses em Veneza‘ mention in the newspaper Jornal de Letras (15.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 2.
  • 2004 Luís, Cláudia: ‘Transformar arquitectura a partir do inconformismo‘ mention in the newspaper Jornal des Notícias (12.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 46.
  • 2004 Cavaco, Ana: ‘Metamorfoses arquitectónicas em Veneza‘ mention in the newspaper A Capital (12.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 35.
  • 2004 Marinho, Luísa: ‘As metamorfoses na arquitectura portuguesa para ver em Veneza‘ mention in the newspaper O Comércio – Porto (12.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 37.
  • 2004 Sampaio, Inês: ‘Projectos nacionais mostram-se lá fora‘ mention in the newspaper Correio da manhã (11.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 56.
  • 2004 Arquitectura para Veneza‘ mention in the newspaper Expresso Actual (11.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 7.
  • 2004 Lobo, Paula: ‘Metamorfoses‘ mention in the newspaper Diario de Notícias (09.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 40.
  • 2004 Vaz Milheiro, Ana; Salema, Isabel: ‘Portugal leva para primeria vez embaixada de arquitectos‘ mention and image in the newspaper Jornal Público (07.09.04) Portugal (Metaflux, Xiyuan) pp. 1-3.
  • 2004 Cunha e Silva, Paulo: ‘Metamorfose/Fluxos de Influência e contexto‘ mention and image in the magazine Arquitectos #140 (September) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 4.
  • 2004 ‘Bienal de Arquitectura de Veneza‘ mention in the magazine Arquitectos #137 (June) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 9.
  • 2004 Costa, Nuno: ‘“Metafluxos“ para a Bienal de Veneza‘ mention and image in the newspaper Diário de Notícias (08.04.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 51.
  • 2004 Vitória, Ana: ‘Confronto de gerações na 9.ª Bienal de Veneza‘ mention in the newspaper Jornal de Notícias (08.04.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 38.
  • 2004 ‘Portugal leva confronto enre duas gerações de arquitectura à Bienal de Veneza‘ mention in the newspaper O Comércio – Porto (08.04.04) Portugal (Metaflux) p. 47.
  • 2004 Allen, Laura: ‘Marcos Cruz and Marjan Colletti, 2002 New Tomihiro Museum, Azuma, Japan‘ mention and images in The Bartlett Undergraduate and Diploma Guide 2004-2006, University College London 2004 England (NTM) p. 35.
  • 2003 Chard, Nat: ‘Aestetisk Avantgarde‘ mention and image in the magazine Arkitekten magasin #20 (Calling London – London Calling), Denmark (MTN) p. 13.
  • 2003 Marjanovic, Igor; Rüedi Ray, Katerina; Norle Lokko, Lesley: ‘The Garden of Vessels‘ mention and images in the book The Portfolio – An Architectural Student’s Handbook, Architectural Press (Medusa, NEB) pp. 114-5.
  • 2002 Stiefel, Hannes: mention in Fortlaufende Irrtümer, Stiefel Wien-Zürich, Architektur&BauForum, Vienna Austria (Sommerbar) p. 91.
  • 2002 Min Sun Jao: ‘The Boring Architecture in the Exciting World’ mention and image in the magazine poar - People and Architecture #11 (November) Seoul Korea (Medusa) p. 117.
  • 2000 Allen, Laura: ‘Besking’ image in the leaflet Bartlett School of Architecture (Besking).