Published EXD’11/LISBOA embarks on a new editorial strategy with the publication of a volume edited by design critics Frederico Duarte and Max Bruinsma, and design by Ian Anderson of The Designer’s Republic fame.
In paperback format, “Useless” gathers 5 essays from specialists in diverse fields: journalist Denis Burgierman (BR), interactive designer Johan Redström (SE), economist and professor Jorge Braga de Macedo (PT), visual artist Marta de Menezes (PT), and design critic Ralph Caplan (US). These commissioned, original essays explore the Biennale’s theme, providing a kaleidoscopic view of “Useless”. The approach is plural, reflecting different generational perspectives by a diverse spectrum of contemporary culture agents. Following the essays, a hundred of brief provocations, thoughts or statements by previous Biennale participants open up the scope of the theme and stimulate complementary interpretations.
Nicknamed the EXD’11 “Bible”, not just formally but by its gathering of intellectual and creative international potential that makes up the Biennale, the book was launched during the Opening Week, at the Lounging Space. Introduced by Guta Moura Guedes and Sebastião Sena Esteves of publishing house Babel, the launch also included a debate with the editors and designer Ian Anderson on the concept and the contents of this 400-page publication.
Read Form Follows Fetish (Useless).
Photo: © 2011, EXD'11/ Luís Rocha |