Audimax TU Wien, Getreidemarkt 9
Institut für Architekturwissenschaften/Fachbereich Architekturtheorie
Technische Universität Wien
Wiedner Hauptstr. 7
A-1040 Wien
Dr. Marjan Colletti is co-founder of the London-based architecture studio marcosandmarjan, which combines experimental practice, research, theory and teaching. He is a senior lecturer at the Bartlett School of Architecture UCL (Unit 20) and Westminster University (DS10) in London. He has previously been guest professor at various European, US and Asian institutions, i.e UCLA Los Angeles, UT Arlington Texas, Innsbruck University, RCA etc. He is the guest-editor of AD Architectural Design Exuberance: New Virtuosity in Contemporary Architecture (Wiley), co-editor of Research Projects 2009 (Bartlett UCL), co-author of marcosandmarjan: Interfaces/Intrafaces (SpringerWienNewYork), and author of 2&1/2D Twoandahalf Dimensionality (Bucher Hohenems) and the PhD by Architectural Design thesis Digital Poetics (Bartlett UCL). He has also exhibited in approx. 60 exhibition worldwide, and is regularly invited as guest critic and lecturer internationally.
Plus: final crits, 20.01.2011 at the Institute.
Plus: final crits, 20.01.2011 at the Institute.