Marjan shows 2&1/2D Twoandahalf Dimensionality at the
2010 London Design Festival at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
2010 London Design Festival at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
The London Design Festival is a nine-day celebration of design in the world’s creative capital. The Festival is a platform for the widest spectrum of design disciplines, brought together as a unique and accessible programme.
Gallery 220: AVATAR - Architecture for the virtual world
This exhibition brings to life the semi abstract artworks that architects use as creative catalysts for full blooded architecture; from a surreal garden that reinterprets traditionalstructures to projects inspired by art nouveau and combined with engineering and manmade biological cells.
This exhibition brings to life the semi abstract artworks that architects use as creative catalysts for full blooded architecture; from a surreal garden that reinterprets traditionalstructures to projects inspired by art nouveau and combined with engineering and manmade biological cells.
AVATAR was founded in 2004 at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. Conceived as a cross-unit research group, AVATAR is concerned with the impact of advanced technology on architectural design. By contributing to discussion on issues such as aesthetics, philosophy and cybernetics, AVATAR explores all manner of digital and visceral terrain, its augmentation and symbiosis.
V&A South Kensington
Cromwell Road
London SW7 2RL
Cromwell Road
London SW7 2RL